The Future of Fatherless Daughters

|a fatherless daughter| could be a daughter whose father walked out on the family; could have been given up for adoption + lives in foster care; could also be defined as a daughter who fails to establish a connection with a father-figure in their life. So what does the life of a fatherless daughter typically look like?

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4 Reasons to #endparentshaming Now!

" I wish my child would do that - I would (insert incriminating statement that might require a call to the Department of Child & Family Services)!"

"Your child goes to bed at what time? Pssshh! (insert eye roll) That's bad parenting!"

"That child needs a spankin' that's why they're so bad!"

"See? He spanks his child - that's why they're so violent at school!"

"Ice cream as a bribe??? Tuh!!! They got that child spoiled!"

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