4 Signs You're An Epic Parent!

Hey there Epic Parent!

Parenting is hard. Kids don't come with rule books. If you're a regular subscriber, you've heard me say plenty of times "It takes a village to raise a child." Sometimes we get distracted or caught up in the "the battle" with our teen + it may not feel like you're an epic parent.

Sometimes your kid can say "I hate you" + it's a common teen response. While other times your teen could say "I hate you" + it's a genuine concern. So how do you know you're epic?

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9 Things to Say to Teens Struggling With Self-Harm!

If you're a regular Tribe Member then you know that I L-O-V-E working with teens struggling with self-harming behaviors! Not because I'm some kind of weird freak or anything, but because I love watching the transformation that takes place in teens when they feel supported, valued + loved! There is beauty + power in vulnerability! There's something special that happens when the teen has struggled for so long + finally finds their tribe of supporters! 

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Reader Q + A | Why Do Parents Walk Away From Their Children?

Dear Reader,

Thanks for being brave enough to ask this question! So many of us are nervous or scared to invite "real life" conversations + I applaud you for being the one to get the ball rolling! There are many reasons why parents walk out on their families, but the root of all of these reasons (I believe)  is pain.  Let's think about several different situations that most likely come to mind when you think of an absentee parent

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20 Reasons Going to Therapy is Normal!

I want to address a topic that is insanely controversial (see what I did there? Heh): THERAPY! The are two major schools of thought when it comes to therapy: therapy is for crazy people + therapy can be useful when you have a rough life. Now I understand everyone doesn't believe those statements. However, the majority of the population believes one or the other. If you're in one of those categories - this post is for you! 

The thought of therapy can be intimidating, but going to therapy can be rewarding if you follow the professional's advice. Many people who have tried therapy say, "Therapy doesn't work." There are a couple of reasons they may feel this way: 

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