Guest Post | Healing is A Choice

Welcome back Tribe Members! It's been a while since we had anyone guest post on the blog, but I am pleased to introduce you to someone new. This month's guest is Stephanie Jones, wife, Mama to a beautiful baby girl + awesome owner/blogger of Courage From Within!  I love reading blog posts Stephanie writes, because she shares from her heart + her experience is one that is often overlooked. Her past is laced with the beauty of a painful past filled with resilience that makes her the strong courageous woman she is today! A while back we completed the relationship series, 20 Days to Better Relationships (the workbook is now available - click here) + one of the issues we addressed is relationships with absentee parents. I offered the perspective of a Therapist, but Stephanie is here to share her own personal story with an absentee parent...

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Reader Q + A | Why Do Parents Walk Away From Their Children?

Dear Reader,

Thanks for being brave enough to ask this question! So many of us are nervous or scared to invite "real life" conversations + I applaud you for being the one to get the ball rolling! There are many reasons why parents walk out on their families, but the root of all of these reasons (I believe)  is pain.  Let's think about several different situations that most likely come to mind when you think of an absentee parent

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