I'm Losing My Mind -- School's Out!

CONGRATS!!! You survived the entire school year! Now what the heck should you do? It's always so difficult to figure out what to do with your children. You put them in this summer camp that sounds awesome, but after a few weeks go by...they hate it! Or they want to go to this super-amazing-life-changing-I'll-die-if-I-don't-go camp, but it's waaaaaaaaay TOO EXPENSIVE!!! What do you do? Where is the middle ground? Today I'm hoping to give you strategies you can actually use this summer so you don't lose your mind...errr I mean so you can enjoy your summer to the fullest extent! There is a simple worksheet to help you generate personalized activities for your child(ren)! Click the picture below to download the worksheet + use it once you've read through the post! Here we go....

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Reader Q + A | Adolescent Males

Dear Reader,

Thank you for being brave enough to ask this question! I truly value every question that comes to my inbox! If you have submitted a question + I haven't discussed it yet - fear not! I will get to it. If you haven't submitted a question, but you would like to do so anonymously - click the link --->>> 

in the blog's sidebar! 

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The Ultimate Guide to Positive Discipline

I don't have to know you personally to know that you have areas of improvement in your life. How can I say this with such confidence? Well because I have areas of improvement as well. Discipline is something everyone could use more of! We grow disciplined in one area + then discover another area where we need to start working to improve. Our first experience with discipline comes when we are infants. Our parents instill in us values, ethics + morals for navigating through various phases of life. This experience can either be positive or negative.

Once we become parents, we have a choice to pass on the same parenting techniques or raise our children to experience the world differently. How do we know we are disciplining in a style that is beneficial to our child(ren)?

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How to Date Your Kid!

February is almost over and though it's known worldwide as the month to celebrate love - us FTHC Tribe members strive to show love all year round!  We focus on doing small things consistently in an effort to enhance the overall health of our relationships. We not only do them, but we try to be genuine in our connections with others. Being authentic means being truly present in the here and now each moment spent together. Life is so busy and if we're honest, many of us probably struggle with making time to be truly present. 

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