Stepparents, Grandparents + Aunts -- Oh My! | Letter to the Village Members

VILLAGE MEMBER | a caregiver; a guardian; someone who willingly takes on the role of a teacher to a younger generation; a family member; a neighbor; a coach; a protector; someone who positively influences the younger generation for their benefit

The role of a Village Member can be a thankless role. There are many times we feel drained or like we made a mistake taking on such a heavy role. Nothing seems to be working, because you see progress in one area + it appears several other areas come crashing down beside you. You knew when you made up in your mind to take this role that it would be difficult, but maybe you didn't anticipate just how much of a sacrifice it would be. 

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Trust Restored | The Journey of Healing

Well this is it for sure! Your spouse just crossed the line for the last time + you are done with the relationship! You want out! No matter how many ways you phrase it or break it down - your teen directly defies what you tell them to do! You're certain you're not speaking another language + you're done. Absolutely finished! You're not sure what that looks like as a parent, but you know you're THERE! 

Trust is sacred. Trust is a demonstration of love + respect. Trust is foreign to some, yet a comfort to all. Trust allows you to do the unthinkable + believe the impossible. Without trust...there is no relationship.... I'm sure this sounds a bit harsh, but it's true! Trust is the foundation for any relationship. You trust that you will be paid in two weeks for the work you do now. You trust that when you drive across a bridge it won't give out on you. Every place we go, we experience some level of trust. Is it any wonder when it's broken we become so defensive? 

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Simple Solutions for Depressed Teens

So your teen has a formal diagnosis of what? You've decided to continue with therapy + that's awesome when they're in session, but what the heck are you supposed to do in the meantime? How can you help maximize their potential for progress? This list is not conclusive, but it should help give you a starting point. It's important to remember that #1 a diagnosis is not the end of the world! #2 The journey of healing is different for people. This means that even if you've suffered through depression, what [insert name] needs might not be the same thing you needed. Your role is just to offer support - let's get started! 

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